
We update our gallery periodically with images from our contributors, conference events, as well as historic library photos. Special thanks to the American Library Association Archives, who have allowed us to feature images from their rich digital collections in the gallery and throughout our blog. Do you have historical images of your library? We’d love to share them! Please consider submitting them to

  • Group of about 9 LHRT members having dinner in a restaurant
  • a b-and-w picture of Eliza Atkins Gleason
  • A yellowish pamphlet showing the interior of a library with chairs and books, and calligraphic ALA 1876 written under the image
  • a car in front of a public library. Back of car is black-and-white and labeled "1943". A Front half is color and labeled "2018"
  • A crowd of people at rows of tables with laptops. Two large screens in fron of the audience. A panelp of people at the front of the room.
  • Two speakers smiling and sitting at a black table surrounded by microphones.
  • Examples of artwork by Van Sant, etchings of a whale, the word Neno, a bird, and other images resembling Egyptian hieroglyphics.
  • Children sitting at a table, looking through card catalog drawers.
  • A group of library patrons and librarians in square dancing outfits.
  • Actor "Mr. T.," who played Stallone's boxing opponent in Rocky III, tells library patrons how reading can influence their lives.
  • Two librarians sitting on the floor of a conference hall under a sign that says "Happines is 100 ALA Conferences."
  • People opening the drawer of a card catalog and pointing to the call number of the spine of a book.
  • A newspaper cartoon depicting a man with a top hat standing at the door of a library with a stunned look on his face. A person at the door waves a bat at him. A sign next to the door says "This Library Open Every Other Monday From 9:58am to 10am. A caption reads "Jan 9, 1854. Astor Library Opened" 'From Life, January 7, 1892
  • An African-American man speaking in an auditorium.
  • An adult and several children are dancing in front of display tables.