How To Submit

Postcard of the Boston Public Library in Massachusetts.
Postcard of the Boston Public Library in Massachusetts (1913). Image and caption from American Library Association Archives.

Invitation to Submit: LHRT members and non-members are invited to submit news items and notes.  Those new to the field of library history, including library school students, are strongly encouraged to submit.  The notes section of the blog seeks to serve much the same function as poster sessions at a conference, allowing new and experienced authors to float ideas out to a broader audience in a more concise, informal way than a scholarly journal, with the hope that some of the authors of the notes might then go on to expand their note into a full-blown research article.  Student work is considered; students at any level are encouraged to submit!

Style Guidelines:  All items should be grammatically correct and free from spelling errors.  Authors may choose to use an informal or formal writing style.  Use of first person is generally acceptable.  Any of the standard citation styles is acceptable.  Items of any word count will be considered but most notes are between 500-4000 words.

Editorial Process: The editor will review the item and may consult with library historians in making a decision about whether to publish (even though LHRT News and Notes is not a peer-reviewed journal).  The editor may ask authors to make changes before a final decision is made as to whether to publish.  If a submission is approved, the editor will post it, and the “Comments” feature on the blog allows interested readers to offer further constructive feedback to the author.

How to Submit: Please email your submission to our editorial board at  Please submit as a Microsoft Word file.  Inquires are welcome.

A Special Video Invitation to LIS Students from the Editor…