Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement for Libraries: Culture, History, and Society

The Editorial Board of Libraries: Culture, History, and Society recently approved a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement and Action Plan for the journal (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WwMbUDEIvp7Z0XT05ZQRsl6NVYESrhWbf3oPZSsDSmQ/edit?usp=sharing ). Co-Editor Eric Novotny and I are immensely grateful to Dr. Nicole Cooke, Dr. Dominique Daniel, and Ms. Michele Fenton, who helped us substantially in writing it. The board is looking forward to working with peer reviewers, Penn State Press, and other contributors in implementing it. We hope that it’s something the entire library history community can be proud of and buy in to. 

LHRT leadership would like to extend thanks to Nicole Cook, Dominique Daniel, and Michele Fenton for their extensive work on this important document. We would also like to express our gratitude for the leadership of LCHS Co-Editors Bernadette Lear and Eric Novotny, who have worked to incorporate DEI in the workings and content of LCHS since its founding. With all those who have worked on this significant document, we hope that it furthers LHRT’s DEI efforts and contributes to greatly increased inclusivity in library history research.

Carol  Leibiger, Chair
Emily Spunaugle, Vice Chair/Chair Elect

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